Thursday, August 16, 2012

DIY Foil Art!

Hi everyone!

Today I wanted to show you a very simple tutorial on how to make your very own foil art!

You will need:

  • Mod Podge
  • Scissors
  • Foam Brush
  • Canvas

To start out, draw a circle on the foil, this will be the center of the flower, then draw a bunch of petals on the foil, these do not have to be all the exact same size but it is good to have them close in size! To make your cutting time shorter, you can fold-up the foil multiple times and just cut one petal out making multiples! 

After you have all of your pieces cut out, start by placing the circle piece on the canvas off-center towards one of the bottom corners. Glue it down with mod podge, then brush mod podge of it as well. This will make the foil shinier.

Once you have the center glued down, start placing the petals around the circle evenly spacing them out and making them flow together. Glue them down the same way you did the center. Once you have all of the pieces glued down, go over them with mod podge to make them shine more! Some petals will over lap the edge, that is alright! Just fold them over to the side and cut them after everything has dried!

It's that simple! :) This is a great way to get your creative juices flowing and add your own custom unique piece to your home! 

I would love to see your foil art creations! Please send me pictures! Feel free to comment them on this post! Thank you everyone for stopping by! :)

- Haley :)

First Post!

Hey everybody! My name is Haley! I've created this blog to talk about my life as a college student, share some tips and tricks with you, and some awesome DIY projects! :)

A little bit about myself, I live in Oklahoma. I am a student at Oklahoma State University studying Graphic Design! I have a sweet little toy poodle, her name is Sassy! :) I love spending time outdoors, fishing & four-wheeler riding. Sewing is one of my favorite hobbies! I also enjoy learning new graphic design techniques! I started my own online business when I was 16. It is called The SC Design Studio! 

Thank you all for stopping by! :) I hope that you check back frequently to check out all of the new DIY projects!

- Haley :)